Pet Boarding

Boarding will be at where I'm live. Suitable when you're going for a holiday, move house, take care of family members (urgent) etc.

Our home boarding include:
  • Walking of your dog twice a day 
  • Rates inclusive of free weekly baths for boarding more than 5 days.
  • Simple grooming like brushing of coat.
  • Free outings and walks.
  • We will endeavor to provide updates on your pet's status via email/sms on request basis. The frequency of updates will be done at our discretion. 
 Rate: $35 to $50/day

*Additional cost for food may be cooked for pets with special dietary requirements
Rates include all walks during their stay - great value for your dollar! 

Click to read more rules!

  • Owner to provide food/ bedding
  • Clear litter box
  • Change of water daily
  • Play time
  • Toy
  •  Feeding of dry and/or wet food

Email us with the following details:
  • Age/Sex/Sterilised?
  • Coat length and breed (if applicable)
  • Dates required for services
  • Personality and unique characteristics
  • Any special needs/requests
Rate: $25/day

 Hamster and other rodent
  • Owner to provide food/ bedding
  • Change of water daily
  • Change of bedding
  • Play time
  • Toy
  • Able to provide bigger cage
Charges: $8/day.
*Additional cost: provide fresh food

Please note the following for Boarding:
  1. Check-In/Check-Out Timing: Monday to Friday (7am to 7pm), Saturday (9am to 12pm) *Sunday (By Special Request)*
  2. Public Holiday Peak Surcharge: (Additional S$10.00 surcharge per day) Xmas Eve & Xmas Day, New Year’s Eve & New Year’s Day, CNY’s Eve & CNY’s Day(1st & 2nd day). 
  3. Discount for boarding for more than 21 days.
  4. We reserve the right to accept/reject any pet for boarding.
  5. Full payment is required on/before the start of service.